Promoting School Fundraisers

If you are in charge of a school fundraiser or are considering starting one, then you’ve come to the right place! We are constantly looking for ways to make fundraising faster, easier and more successful for you. Two things key to a successful school fundraiser is exposure for selling to a wide audience and organization with your group.

When you are planning on starting a fundraiser, think about everyone who will be playing a role. No matter your goal, group size or goal range, chances are there will be several people involved which can include your student sellers, their parents and possibly volunteers. Sending home letters with students to their parents to notify them of this upcoming event is a great heads up, especially since parents may need to help with product pick up. Including fundraising start date, end/money due date and what the fundraiser is for can be helpful information. You can download and fill in/print this fundraising notification sheet to hand out to students or use it as a guide to creating your own.

Something else to consider is if you will need volunteers. If your group is setting up a table outside of a business or event then, you may want to have a sign up sheet. Students/parents can select days and times they will be there to staff it.

If you are doing a brochure fundraiser where you will have the product delivered to you, it will need to be distributed to your students. It is a good idea to send out parental notifications of when and where item pickup will be. You can download our pick-up notification here.

Promoting and getting in front of as many people as possible can only help your fundraiser. If you are set up at an event, make signs for your table that say your group’s name and the purpose of your fundraiser. Signs should be large and easy to read from a distance. You can also print or make flyers to hang up around town or at local businesses to promote your fundraiser. Be sure to include: who the fundraiser is for, date/time/location of your school fundraiser.

Having visible pricing is helpful in attracting people over and making quick sales, especially if there are many people around. You can download and print our $1 and $2 fundraising signs here that you can fill out and attach to your table or to the inside lid of the fundraising boxes. These signs would be great to hand out with fundraising boxes of candy and snacks. They can be adhered to the outside of the box if students will be walking around with them. Attach them to the inside lid if they will be propped open at an event or if a parent takes them to work.

To start promoting your school fundraisers, download all of the signs mentioned in the above post on our fundraising tools page. You can also download them directly via the links below:
Fundraiser Coming Soon
Orders and Money Due
Product Pickup
$1 promo signs
$2 promo signs