Twister Pops Candy Fundraiser

Potential profit: 50%*


Lollipop candy fundraisers are fun, and easy. The large rainbow twisted lollipops are great sellers because of their size, flavors, and fun.

How much will I make? Try our interactive profit calculator to see how much money you will make for your group! ►

*Suggested selling price: $2/item

Out of stock

Profit Calculator

${{ profit }} {{ profit_percentage }}
Cases Sold Case Cost Bonus Case Total Profit Raise Money
100 $96.00 $9,600 50%
75 $96.00 $7,200 50%
50 $96.00 $4,800 50%
30 $96.00 $2,880 50%
20 $96.00 $1,920 50%
10 $96.00 $960 50%
5 $96.00 $480 50%

Product Details

Rainbow lollipop candy fundraisers! A fun, fruity lollipop candy fundraiser! Our case sizes are small so that you may order a variety of products for your fundraiser.

96 per case.
Suggested order: 1 case per seller.

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